Let the Hi-jinks begin. Way late and much more than a dollar short, here are some low lights from the road to Seattle and Victoria via Amtrak (had it been all in Canada, it would have read better - via VIA, but I digress).
Hit the road very early on a Saturday morning, being dropped off at the lovely Irvine Rail Station by our 'practically perfect neighbors', the Thorton's. It being so early, we neglected to photographically record their kindness.
Quick jaunt to Union Station - which should be a tourist stop on everyone's to do list; right across from Olvera street and a famous sandwich restaurant called Philippes - a French Dip legend that I have overlooked and have to correct in the future.
To help set the tone of our trip, on our first leg of the train ride we met a nice family from Colorado Springs, vacationing in California for the first time. They were on their way to, where else, Disneyland! Cathy was happy to get them in the mood before they even got there.
After they got off in Anaheim, another family moved into their seats. This group was from New Zealand on their way to San Francisco. We were two for two on meeting great people, and that trend has continued on the entire trip - except for some wacko lady we ran into in LA. This grandmother and granddaughter did get on our car, but luckily we never saw her again until she disembarked somewhere in Washington State.
Well, for the next 36 hours we road the rails. Won't bore you with the hour-by-hour details, but it was just what we all expected, except for the amount of food they offer you! With nowhere to go, it seemed like we were always walking to the dinning car - actually, for us Sleeper Car residents we had our own private Parlour Car - La Ti Da...
Anyway, I have some photo's posted in an album on Facebook that show the 35 or so hour trip. You should be able to see them both here:
Facebook link, day one:
Facebook link, day two:
The whole thing makes me think of the Great Canadian, Gordon Lightfoot!
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