Sunday, April 05, 2020

It's like watching grass grow

Or Watching Scotty Grow
March 21, 2020
Plenty of time to sit and watch this one-of-four take off.  Self isolate has its advantages, I guess. I'm not clever enough to create a viral meme, so I will watch others. And watch my vine grow.  Hope the other three catch up.

April 5, 2020
At this rate, #3 will have grapes by summer. Another week of work-from-home, so may have a chance to update with more photos. Until then, I'll just add one more pic, but this time with a bottle of wine. Adds a little context. Plus, it is a cool label. Oh, and a great wine, too!

New Home

July 20, 2019
And this is where they live.  Well, three of them.  Sometime after this, a late bloomer appeared.  And then there were four.

But for the timeline, this is one month later.

August 17, 2019
They survived the harsh California winter - just kidding.  All went well.  Had some 'fall color' on the patio.  Spent the winter watching more YouTube videos.  And then, due to a very warm and dry February, Bud Break. Good thing I pruned in January.
February 23, 2020.
 A very noble bud, n'est pas?  Now what? Oh, I don't know.  A couple of years from now they may produce bunches of grapes. But don't expect any Larkin Cab Franc from this patio vineyard anytime soon, if ever.  Besides, the name is already in use in Napa.
Feb 29, 2020 From a spark to a flame.

You should see them now, one month later...