Friday, July 13, 2012

Road to... cont'd.

Seattle is a great city, so most of you already know everything there is to know about it. Home of the first Starbucks and Nordstroms.  I guess I was not aware how far it is inland from the coast.  There is actually a mountain range between it and the ocean.  It may rain often in Seattle, but not when we were there - two whole days without rain!
I also must say that I was shocked at how little traffic there was, compared to most cities of similar size that I have visited.  Perhaps everyone uses public traffic.
I also thought is was nice of VP Joe Biden to stop by our hotel to say hi. 
Well, I have places to go, people to see, and things to do!  So with that, here are links to two more days worth of boring photo's for those of you not on FB.

Day 3:
Day 4:

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