Friday, July 28, 2006

High School Confidential

A few years ago, I attended my High School Reunion. Never mind which one. I was very glad I did. The conventional wisdom is that only those who have done well attend. The better you did, the more likely to attend. Ego, I suppose.
Anyway, great post here from a writer who just attended his HS reunion.

JAMES LILEKS: "As wine ages better than beer, so did the women look better than the men."

If you are thinking of attending one, don't think, go. And read this for a primer of what it is like to "go home again"

Friday, July 21, 2006

Who knew I would have little to say?

...or so little time to say it.

I need to focus on investing over the next few months, so may not have time yet again. Would like to get back in the game for the second half of the year.
Market is all over the place, but oil has dropped off its highs, although it has crept up today. Fed seems to have come to the conclusion that it needs to back off (?) - I hope. Arabs Countries seem to be letting Israel have its way with Hezbollah, so dog bites man stories are sure to appear.

But it is Friday afternoon. Time for R&R. Coctails are calling and Monday will be here soon enough.

Be well.