Saturday, January 12, 2013

Disneyland Details

Hidden gem of Disney.
Spending the weekend at the Disneyland Resort - benefits of being married to an Imagineer - celebrating another year on earth.  Did not take my camera with me today, but while waiting for the Lovely Wife, I noticed this poster art on an exterior wall. 

For those who know Disneyland, just inside the park, on a side wall where they once had a bank.  Now there is an exterior ATM along the walkway to the restroom.  Watched perhaps 20-30 people walk by and not even notice it.  Several people at the ATM did not see it.  Their loss. 
Just another example of the details that generally sets this place apart from the others.  Sure, it is a bottom line business.  But not like most.  Okay, off to dinner...

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