Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gainey Limited Selection Cabernet Franc 2009

Once had a website for wine,  The Lawyers at The Company did not like it very much and sent me a cease and desist. It was a nice site and I should post the contents here (without the 'For Dummies' tag line).  I was hoping they would offer to buy it from me.  Oh well.

Tonight, fashioned a dinner around a menu suggestion from a Wine Club that we belong to.  If you should click the link and decide to join, tell them I sent you, please.  We get a discount if you do.

The Limited Selection Cab Franc 09 was great, as usual.  Medium bodied this vintage - Gainey is often full-bodied, even their Pinot Noir.  The winemaker notes stated it would be good for three to five years.  Ha.  We received it December, 2011 and enjoyed it tonight. That is a record for us :)

Wine Notes and Menu

Enjoyed it with their own menu recommendation.  Grilled Steak with Warm Shallot Vinaigrette.  Both were delicious.  The Vinaigrette was easy to make, the bottle was easy to open, and I can cook a steak with the best of them...

Picked and ready to clean.
It being the end of the 'fall season', I picked the last of our Leaf Lettuce for a salad to enjoy with the dinner.  Not bad for a patio garden, if I may say so myself. Lite Caesar dressing, avocado, and tomato made for a perfect starter.

Wine tasting notes can be read on the image above, so I won't pretend to match the winemaker's palette.  I will just say it was medium bodied, fruit forward and softened nicely from the first glass to the last. 

Have two bottles of 2010 - wonder how long they will last.
Should you find yourself in Santa Ynez, visit Gainey.  They have gotten big and not as accommodating as they once were, but the wines still hold up.

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