Sunday, October 24, 2010

Observations on Paris - Pt. 2

Ahh, the French and their cigarette’s. Yes, many people smoke, but other than the butts along the roadside curb’s, it did not seem to bother me at all. Maybe because I am an ex-smoker.

But the streets are full of cigarette butt’s. And they have a unique way of cleaning it up in some locales. They open the floodgates of a water pipe at one end of the street street, letting the water flow like a wild river. Meanwhile, a city worker walks along with a broom/rake, aiding the butts along.  Then scooping them up and putting them in the green trash bag.

Effective, but not very ‘green’. Unless they are using the Seine River water, and recycling.

La Rive Seine by me.

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