Monday, March 05, 2007

I Got Blisters On My Fingers

Had this conversation with a colleague regarding ‘script’ writing – to be more exact, the reading of same. He observed that people now have a difficult time when they must read someone’s handwriting.

Not only has beautiful penmanship become a lost art, but apparently so has the art of reading handwriting become a lost art. And he was correct, I think. Today, people are more used to reading something typewritten (Ed: can we call it typewritten when it comes from a printer?) thanks to the proliferation of computers.

When was the last time you hand-wrote a letter, or even a note, to someone. And don’t count your signature at the bottom of a Birthday/Christmas/Holiday card….

For me, I recently hand wrote thank you cards to friends and family. It was somewhat painful to write slowly and clearly (hands are sore from too much computer work), took quite some time, and wasted one card and two sheets of fine note paper. Had I simply typed up a generic note and emailed it to all of them, I would have been done in less than 5 minutes. And it would have meant even less, I think.
Ahh, to the lost art of letter writing and script writing in general. I must be getting old.

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