Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Montreal's restaurants fluent in French

If you are hungry and in Montreal. Or are planning a trip.

Montreal's restaurants fluent in French

Much cheaper than Paris from the US or anywhere in Canada. The people are nice. And I can vouch for the food and the Markets - well, only Atwater. Been too long since I have seen Jean Talon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I need to save this link

The Insanity of Bush Hatred

Read it if you care. But this may be my new reference place. I lose track of things, so this may be a good idea. I'll let you know. h/t instapundit

Friday, November 09, 2007

Pompous Ass

So this professor thinks the new premier - the one who just won the election - is not smart enough to run a government. Unbelievable. Or it would be, except he is a university professor...

globeandmail.com: Saskatchewan Party puts end to NDP dynasty: "As the new government takes shape over the next few days, Prof. Pontikes said, Mr. Wall is likely to set a moderate agenda as premier. 'I don't see any reason for radical changes here, because he's modified the Saskatchewan Party from its radical start. So I think we'll see some cautious government at the beginning,' Prof. Pontikes said.
'The real issue will be around forming government and getting people in government who can help them see their way through and understand how this huge beast works.'"

Friday, August 24, 2007

Only thing missing is the banjo.

What were the AP editors trying to say by publishing this photo? What more stereotypical image can be transmitted around the world than this one?

But the sadder truth is that this is not a fake photo. I understand life can be tough, but c'mon, make an effort. I don't think these three children have a chance. But that is just me.

A Salty Dog?

I like my salt with lime and tequila. But seriously, folks. Can some please explain this?
the corner on NRO. Don't be afraid, I'm told they don't bite.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dr. Helen: This is Depressing News

Dr. Helen: This is Depressing News: Why the late-30s are a man's misery years?

It is not news to me, it just took a little longer for me to realize it :)

Only in Canada, eh?

Quebec denies access to inspection documents.
The Quebec Transport Department has refused to make public any of its inspection and repair reports for bridges and overpasses in the province.

Gee, I wonder why?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Minneapolis I-35 Bridge Collapse

You expect this sort of thing in, say Baghdad. But not in the Minneapolis.
When are we going to focus on the infastucture? One of these days, it will be really ugly.
Tunnel in Boston; overpass in Montreal; now this - Minneapolis I-35 Bridge Collapse . I am sure there are plenty more we have not heard about...
Drive Safe.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

MOJO Uncorked

Recently, the old Cable TV HD network, INHD, switched to Mojo. Well, not so recently really, but you get the idea.

While I miss the programming from the past, I will admit it was started to add High Def to the airwaves (you mean cable? - ed), and it was geared to an older clientele. Now that everyone has HD, they have switched formats to appeal to the young and hip. They are the ones the advertisers want.

On Mojo, I have to say I enjoy
Three Sheets with Zane Lampley, whoever he is. Probably one of the best paying gigs around. Travel the world and drink with the locals. Sign me up.
Of course, I am a little past my prime to be doing that anymore. More my speed is
Uncorked with Billy Merritt – another one of those, who?

I think the host takes a little getting used to, but the Lovely Wife® thinks he is quite funny right off the bat.

Last night the episode was a not so informative tour around
Whistler Mountain in British Columbia. Learned a little about Canadian Wines, although it focused on the Okanagan Valley region and Ice Wine. It did mention the Niagara Peninsula region briefly. But hey, it is only a thirty minute show, so what do you want, eh?

So enjoy if you have High Def from Cable and your provider carries the channel. But I still miss the beautiful photography of the Aussie Wine Trails.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Puerto Vallarta Mexico - Canopy Adventure

If you are ever in Puerto Vallarta, you need to do this:
Puerto Vallarta Mexico Eco-tour - Canopy Adventure

You can do it in other places, like Costa Rica, but I can only speak of this one. Definitely a trip. Guides are hokey, but fun. Although, it being Mexico, it is not OSHA compliant - which adds to the thrill.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Montréal Poutine

If you ever happen to find yourself in this town, this is the site you need to start you gastronomical tour.
Montréal Poutine. And no, I do not know how many 'points' or calories. I suggest you don't ask. Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 11, 2007

So Much

Tell me, when did 'so much' replace very much? As in Thank You SO MUCH?? What was wrong with thank you very much? Just curious.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Photo Blogging

This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been an actual blog, well, I don't know.

This is an early morning moon setting over Playa Del Rey.

Now, look for the hidden cyclist...
Hard to see the early morning rider in low res. But the speck at the top is a lovely California Gull. Now look down; see the palm tree? Just to the right and below the tree is the rider.

And now, arriving home after a hard day at the salt mines, the moon also rises...

Till next time.


Looking for a vacation destination this summer. You could do worse than the Montreal Jazz Fest 2007 . Not to mention that the city is one of the best places to go for a vacation. There is just so much to see and do in the city. It has parts like old Europe, without the overseas travel. But it is also a modern city.

Of course, you do need a passport these days, if you are flying. You can still drive there without one, but that changes January 2008 I believe. Have fun.

Monday, April 23, 2007

And It Stoned Me.

The rock I mean. I saw it coming. It hit with the usual clunk. I seem to be some kind of magnet for rocks on the highways and byways of America.

This morning was perhaps my fifth ding on a car windshield. Pahlease! So I drive a lot. So do many people, and they never have this problem. And this car is only 6 months old. I guess I should be thankful. The last car was dinged right after leaving the dealership lot!

Then there was the Legacy. Well that one had more dings than I care to remember. I think I am keeping these guys in business. Cheaper than a new windshield and way better than an accident.
But still....

Afghanistan Women Rights

Are there any? It would appear not. Here is a portion of an AP photo on Yahoo:

"An Afghan man beats his niece, allegedly for not paying him enough respect in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Monday, April 23, 2007."

Click the first link for the image and then view the slide show. The photograper is Farzana Wahidy.

Geez, what is the point. And where is the outrage from NOW.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I will continue with the experiment.

Even though I am beginning to think it may not pan out. As these things go, it has taken longer than I had hoped. But alas, at last count there are 72 million blogs.

Can you say needle in a haystack? Good thing I did not hold my breath.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus Fights Back

At least according to DRUDGE . 'Course, he should not have said what he said. But he has been saying exactly that for 30 years, so what is so different today?

Makes me long for Archie Bunker. Ahh, those were the days... Doubtful the show would make it on the air today.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cavalier Fun Match

Should you happen to live near here, there is a fundraiser for sick puppies at this blog, Darcy's Daily .

Seems that Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have some unique health issues, and the nice people from the above blog lost one of theirs. So they started a fund to raise money and this is the first event. They are friends of mine and you should go, with dog or not.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Your Tax Dollars At Work

This morning, while driving to work, noticed the traffic info sign that normally has drive times had writing. I suspected another AMBER alert, and felt sad. Then I realized it was advising that the county was in a WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCY!

Seems they are working on the water plant and want everyone to conserve water. I guess people did not listen and now there is a crisis!! Can you imagine.

Personally, I think the county water board just does not know how things are done. Can you imagine what would happen if this were a private business? Can you say bankrupt and out of business. But wait, our county has already been there....


Friday, March 23, 2007

Havana Daydreamin'

Okay, so how to put a positive spin on a story about Cuba? Leave it to Reuters. Here is the opening paragraph of their story:
"Almost half a century of communist rule has saved Havana's eclectic architecture from the urban developer's bulldozer..."

That is it - DOH - communism saved the day. Jeez. Well at least the headline writer told it like it is. And truthfully, the story does go on to say that the country is about to fall apart. But the photo captions and the opening paragraph do their best to convey a positive light on the country.

Granted, we should not be boycotting them - we deal with communist countries all the time. But it is not our fault the country is what it is. They can trade with the whole world so don't blame us for their troubles. We do not blockade them. Hey, just ask Canada.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Home sure ain't what it used to be.

That Girl on the Right notes something posted at LGF that is very depressing about Montreal. Not the reason I left of course. And although I did leave, that does not mean I don't like the city. If fact I recommend it to anyone as a great vacation destination, especially in the summer with all the festivals.

Friday, March 16, 2007

It may be the REAL THING.

Oddly enough, I am a Coca Cola drinker, although these days it is more Diet Coke. Wish they would drop the corn syrup and return to sugar. But I digress.

Nice thing Coke is doing here Power Line: Coke is it! . Sure, it is a benefit to them. But that does not make it bad. Be sure to refresh your memory of the Pepsi story by following the links.

Now I don't not drink Pepsi cause of this, I just like Diet C better. Nor would I boycott if I did drink Pepsi. Just nice to read of a big multi-national doing something right for a change, don't ya think?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Power Line: Was Kissinger right?

From Power Line: Was Kissinger right?

This is what many are afraid of happening in Iraq, should we pull out now. Listen, I am not about to argue whether we should be there or not. Smarter people than I are taking the lead on that argument.

But we are there, just like we were in Vietnam. We need a plan B. This explains what happens when we follow plan A.

And you hate to see this "...I have only committed this mistake of believing in you [the Americans]."

Monday, March 05, 2007

I Got Blisters On My Fingers

Had this conversation with a colleague regarding ‘script’ writing – to be more exact, the reading of same. He observed that people now have a difficult time when they must read someone’s handwriting.

Not only has beautiful penmanship become a lost art, but apparently so has the art of reading handwriting become a lost art. And he was correct, I think. Today, people are more used to reading something typewritten (Ed: can we call it typewritten when it comes from a printer?) thanks to the proliferation of computers.

When was the last time you hand-wrote a letter, or even a note, to someone. And don’t count your signature at the bottom of a Birthday/Christmas/Holiday card….

For me, I recently hand wrote thank you cards to friends and family. It was somewhat painful to write slowly and clearly (hands are sore from too much computer work), took quite some time, and wasted one card and two sheets of fine note paper. Had I simply typed up a generic note and emailed it to all of them, I would have been done in less than 5 minutes. And it would have meant even less, I think.
Ahh, to the lost art of letter writing and script writing in general. I must be getting old.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Went to my niece's wedding in the Canadian Rockies. Whew. Calgary is a great city. Leaving there, headed west to Banff. Awsome. I had been before, but it is still breathtaking, the Canadian Rockies. When you see it from Alberta side, you know why the call them the ROCKies. Continue to Lake Louise, and it is even more spectacular. So you drive some more on the TCH, and you cross the border into B.C. Then you hit this little railroad town called Field (pop. 200) in the Yoho National park. Or so the tell me. If you are not paying attention, you will miss the turn on your right. Then about 8 kilometeres in, you hit Emerald Lake Lodge. Ahhhmazing. Most of the site photo's are summer, but when we were there, last week, it was a winter wonderland. Like this:

This is a restaurant at the resort. And that is the lake in front of the building. The cabins are a short walk up the road, behind the trees. If I get the urge, I may publish more. Click the links above and enjoy the view.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Strange Thoughts, indeed.

What he said. Via my namesake