Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bring on the germs.

I think I have found a good reason for this site. As I troll and find interesting tidbits, I have been loathe to bookmark them. The bookmark file just becomes cluttered. But here, I can just set the link, and I will have any easier time finding them.

Which brings me to this story. Recenty, witnessed some parents who seemed to be obsessive about their children and cleanliness. They should read the stories linked below.
I recall hearing of 'measles' parties that I may have gone to when I was a child. Thinking then was, get it over with now - they seem to have been right!
These are a few I have come across. Although, I cannot locate a recent one I read.

Too much cleanliness may be making some people sick.

More warnings against 'excessive cleanliness'. This one is from '02

From '04 "Don't touch that, it's dirty!"

1 comment:

Anne said...

I remember these types of parties. I did the same thing to my daughter with chicken pox, get it over with.

Parents and society worry way too much. We're way overprotective now.