Tuesday, October 16, 2018

'nuff said...

"There's so little honesty in law and politics. I sometimes feel like retreating from all of it and..."

Fill in your own end to this sentence.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Only One With A Sense Of Humor?

Not one to judge, but sometimes you get the feeling that some people have a certain, um, smugness.  At the very least, they often lack a sense of humor.  Plus, it seems they have a bad reputation on the road.
Saw this in a parking lot recently:

 I assume this owner has one for the right reasons. Truth in advertising? 

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Recently was in an OC High Rise next to the OC Performing Art Center. Uptown address near a start-of-the-art facility. Needed to use a comfort station.  Imagine my surprise when I saw, inside, one of these:

The building must not have a lot of traffic.  They feel no reason to remodel, even though this has not been allowed in California for over 25 years - 1994, in fact.  And this ashtray (for those of you who don't know what an ashtray is) has not been used in at least that long.  Feeling very Mad Men.